Tutorial � Simpson, animal behaviour III � consciousness

Greg Detre



we can judge animal consciousness as well as humans

behavioural analysis - unequivocal evidence for consciousness

����� we have pretty similar nervous systems

[graph showing time on x vs size of brain on y � seems to show that size of brain was static 15m years ago and just shot up suddenly(???)]

can't have complexity without consciousness



chimps� language is not even homologous/precursor to human language

consciousness might have evolved since then too


behaviour doesn't consciousness

can have consciousness without behaviour

argument from analogy doesn't extend to animals

e.g. confusion between rat and guided missile


need to look at the brain � starting with humans

compare with animals

not in a position, because don't know enough about brain

need to define consciousness at neural level


look at ecology of animals

birds � parrots + corvids (jays, ravens, crows) � outperform chimps (even bonobos)

e.g. Californian crows


high degree of post-natal brain development

born way too early embryonically

uniquely available to � influences


Bonobos � social behaviour

primate social psychology

Dunbar grouping proportional to neocrtoex

Whil � Machiavellian, alang = grooming on a large scale


how varied is your environment

social vs extreme generalists

rats + cockroaches

stimulus generalisation/sample learning in honeybees


neurons vs hive

<< numbers

> unit computation

< fixity


beehives don't do much as a unit

move house

temperature + reproduction regulation


brain analysis

brain imaging


volition vs consciousness


no logical grounds of assuming animal consciousness

e.g. language = human only

behaviour convicning measure of consciousness

brain analysis mght � describe phenomenon first

non-conscious humans fully-functional � zombies possibility

gradations level between us + chimps

group consciousness � no



could you have evolved non-conscious animal then???

how recently has consciousness evolved???

�chimps� language is not even homologous/precursor to human language� � what about Kanzi???

how can a creature as small as a crow, with a small brain, be as bright as, say, a chimp???

well, if it doesn't need a very big motor system then it won't need to waste much brain space there, for starters

similarly, maybe the spine does a lot of work

and maybe it�s just doing some very efficient sensory processing or something�

does consciousness require behaviour??? (see G Strawson)

Kennedy � New Anthropomorphism

Hippocampus Minor(???) � Owen, special brain region